Tonight, the elders manned up.
They asked E to step down. Well, actually, they put him on an indefinite sabbatical. I don’t know exactly what that means, but they have removed him from all positions of leadership and he is no longer able to teach. M was the prime mover.
These guys made a stand for what was right. Now we see where it goes from here.
I’ll write more tomorrow, but wanted to let everyone who was praying what happened.
btw, someone just recommended to me a book called, the emotionally healthy church (scazarro is the author, i think). might be one you want to get a hold of for your church and situation. am thinking that maybe the elders can move in the right direction by doing some healthy, biblically-directed/informed reconciliation with E.
the best possible outcome would be E’s change of heart and restoration — wouldn’t that be cool.
Praise God!
While it may be premature, I am encouraged the more often I hear how pastors find healthy ways to stand for the Kingdom and for the Church while preserving their families and maintaining occasions for a witness to a Good God in our world. May your tribe increase.
I’m happy to hear about a move in the right direction from the elders there.
Anon is correct,a change of heart would be best. but if this is not to be,he must be banished forever for the good of the church body.
Do you plan to bring this before the congregation? I hope so, this body of believers needs some openess for a change. Plus, do any of you think E will take this quietly? Somehow I don’t think what he will have to say about the situation will be fair and balanced.
You will all remain in my prayers.