Curtain Call

I am guessing the end of all these rants is coming soon.  Then, I suppose the flavor of this blog will shift to the searchings of a disillusioned, unemployed pastor.

I just got off the phone with E.  He is livid.  He knows I talked with M (the chairman of the elders) about the whole sabbatical thing and how it is being handled.  He can’t believe I am still bothered by it.  Everything has been decided.  It is done.  It is over.

But it is still wrong.  Not mistake wrong.  Evil wrong.

He blathered on for over an hour about submission, when one elder speaks, they all speak, etc. etc. etc.

I am forbidden to speak my dissent to any of the other elders.  So says E. I told him I will not abide by that rule.  He was flabbergasted.

I am uncoachable.

He demands that S submit every little piece of his life to E’s coaching.  E knows what S needs.  E, is, after all omniscient.  Apparently he thinks he is also omnipotent.  He wants to control everything.  Oh wait!  He told me he doesn’t like the word, “control.”  Maybe he would prefer dictate.

I am unsubmissive.

He wants to know every conversation I have with S.  “What did you say?”  “Did you ask this?”  “Did he say that?”  I told him I would not discuss it because I would not be painted into a corner (I am probably way too late on that one.)   He forbid me to talk to S about any of the circumstances surrounding his sabbatical.

Apparently I don’t understand anything.  He thinks it is about the sabbatical.  It is not.

This is one guy controlling the church and bullying people–all in the name of Christ.  That is what it is about.

He is certainly burning up the telephone wires and email lines.  I hear the orchestra.  I think the final curtain is about to fall.

Then it will be time to take a bow.

About shepherd

I am a pastor at a local church.
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4 Responses to Curtain Call

  1. vernon says:

    S may be an employee of the church but he is still a member of the flock as well. you have the right and responsibility to speak with him about any issue that bothers either of you. How dare he pull the one speaks they all speak and then forbid you to speak to the others? Also the same one that said “I thought I told you to find someone to greet on sunday? why are you still doing it?” to another of the elders ( according to an earlier post.) stinks of hypocrisy and the stink of a big fish in a little pond. Man brother, stay strong!

  2. Eklunds says:

    I could rant with you. We’ll pray for you and the family. We haven’t been in a Christian church denomination for almost 20 years. But, I remember well how the elders can make life impossible for the pastor. So sorry you’re going through this. Completely agree with you that this is something worthy of taking a stand on.

  3. Chas says:

    I think the only pertinent question left is whether you have any responsibility to protect the flock, with which you were entrusted, from this lunatic. And if so, how do you carry that out? Apparently the other elders are willing to to stand by and allow this ill-disguised wolf to ravage the flock. Can they be made to understand that their passivity is a reproach to Christ and a stench in God’s nostrils? Are they all a bunch of lily-livered, lobotomized wimps?

    I have no answers, only questions. Therefore, I pray.

  4. anon says:

    i’m bummed to hear this.


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