Category Archives: Nuts
Father Slash Mother
I have been out of the gender wars for a long time. Years ago, I adopted gender-neutral language for my own writing and preaching. I resisted it at first because in English (at least yesterday’s English), “He” is the default … Continue reading
The Bow.
Dear Elders, It is with great sadness I write this letter. Six months ago I came to ____our church_____—called by God to be her pastor. I came in good faith, at significant cost to my family and intending to spend … Continue reading
Curtain Call
I am guessing the end of all these rants is coming soon. Then, I suppose the flavor of this blog will shift to the searchings of a disillusioned, unemployed pastor. I just got off the phone with E. He is … Continue reading
I Could Be Wrong
It occurs to me, I could be wrong. I could be mistaking tough love for abuse. Telling parents they are responsible for the rape of their daughter–love or abuse? Saying, “Your daughter should have sounded the alarm on the rapist.”–love … Continue reading
Seems like the day to make posts. I voiced concern that we are making a decision for the church that is not wise. (E is demanding that not only do “we” send S on sabbatical, but also that we say … Continue reading
“Rabboni,” Kiss
Under the guise of help, E has pushed his agenda through the elders and S is taking a sabbatical. It is supposedly so S can have some peaceful rest for himself and his family, but it is the exact opposite. … Continue reading
Dangerous People
I have been swamped busy and missed updating yesterday and today is almost over. I will share one little nugget. My wife had a lady over from the church for coffee. Girly stuff with little cakes and stuff, I am … Continue reading