Category Archives: General

Where else do you put it?

Closing up shop

I think it is time to call this blog done. Not because I am not wandering any more, but because I am not a shepherd. The last few months have been a roller coaster of emotions.  I generally feel very, … Continue reading

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Et tu Brute?

Yesterday S and I went back to the church building to do a funeral for a very close friend.  I was already an emotional wreck. Three of the four elders were there.  My closest “friend” among them was the one … Continue reading

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One Last Time

Today is S’s last day at the church. S resigned because he was tired of not trusting leadership. S asked me to come for his last Sunday at the church.  I agreed.  I feel kind of sick, but I am … Continue reading

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Another Week.

It has been a week since my last post.  Life seems to be settling down into a routine for me. I think a lot about pastoral things.  I visit people who are sick.  I pray with people who are in … Continue reading

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The Up Side of Being Down

Sunday was the worst day so far.  It was worse than the day I was fired because it is the day I most connect with God.  I most connect through preparation for and the preaching event. This Sunday I listened … Continue reading

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Inside My Sad Little Brain.

I don’t want to be melodramatic, but I want to try and explain how I feel.  This will be kind of stream of consciousness… I don’t want to talk to anyone.  I don’t want to answer my phone—even if it … Continue reading

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Could make a preacher cuss…

This is at once funny and sad. Apparently there was an email that one of the elders sent out to all of the small group leaders that had a whole history of how they had been plotting and planning to … Continue reading

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