I know I don’t have many…or any readers any more. I guess I have been kind of busy lately.
A quick update on W–Three surgeries later, she is doing pretty well. We are fighting memory issues that are a nagging problem. We hope they will improve over the coming years.
Church??? Hmmm. Today the elders decided that they will give T and me an ultimatum. Get along or we are both gone. (we do, actually, we are just in two vastly different camps when it comes to church leadership, theology, and philosophy…)
I’ll take some time to write up what brought all of this along later. W says we should just tell them what they can do with their job. I am thinking that somehow we have to eat.
I wish I had gone to school to be something else. Anything else. Now I have a doctorate in something with no market. Genius.
I’m still here and we are still praying. Just a confession on my part, we joined the TULIP crowd a few months ago and it has made all the difference in my mind and heart with regards to our Gideon and his heart. God is in control, His grace will be there no matter what happens…it has released me from years of guilt and thinking that somehow I caused our Gideon’s issues….Stay strong and know that no matter what happens, your mighty GOD rules over all. HE loves you. HE really does and our mighty Lord will be glorified!!! AMEN!
still here. still reading. still praying. don’t think I want to make a public comment on this situation right now, but be assured that we will be remembering you and yours in our prayers tonight. B.
Try a Doctor of Missiology – now that’s a real non-marketable degree!